11 May 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Star Wars to be shot in the UK

Lucasfilm, well known for the Star Wars franchise and now owned by Disney, (after George Lucas made that final step in a dragged out process of selling his own soul to the devil) have announced that the seventh episode of Star Wars will be shot in the UK. Filming is due to start in 2014 and is expected to be released the following year in 2015. This news comes shortly after finding out that there will be five Star Wars films between 2015 and 2019.

This news was actually leaked days ago and put into the public domain by Jedi News. They said that it was very likely that Pinwheel Studios would play a key part in the next episode of the Star Wars story. Of cause Pinwheel is a British film studio. This is obviously very exciting, for both the British film industry and British Star Wars fans, as the original trilogy was in fact filmed in Britain... well apart from all those scenes with the desert. So you could say that Star Wars is coming home, apart from it’s not because it’s set long ago in a galaxy far away... at best it’s American. 

UK Chancellor George Osborne has taken credit for encouraging the multi-billion company Disney to shoot the movie in the UK by making the film eligible for tax breaks. He claims that this shows “clear evidence” that corporations with billions of dollars/pounds will always want to avoid paying their fair share. Osborne also claimed that his favourite character is Han Solo... you know, that money grabbing thief who only helps out those around him when he feels he absolutely has to.

Warwick Davis has also commented on this brilliant news for the British film industry and Star Wars fans everywhere. Davis has said that he would really like to return to the saga and wishes to play the role of a Sith Lord. He also revealed that Ewoks are in fact blind! That’s right; he claims that there was such little breathing space within an Ewok suit that the actors couldn’t see because the suits eyes would steam up. Apparently this would leave loads of Ewoks laid all over the floor of previous Star Wars sets.  

Jar Jar Binks could also be coming home to the UK! That’s right; the iconic character from this average saga of films could be making a return in the seventh episode of Star Wars. There is no evidence for this whatsoever, but there is also no evidence against it either! If Jar Jar is or isn’t in the next episode I think that Star Wars fans everywhere can be united in one thing, and that is in a new hope that this film will be as good as episode one. Also, I’m sure that Obama can’t wait to see what they do with the Jedi Mind Meld.


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